TRAVERSE Level System
We're excited to introduce our new ninja levels!
Testing occurs every 7 weeks Train hard between testing sessions to climb the ranks!
Duration: 2.0-2.5 hrs Total time varies
Price: $40 First test is free for all Members every time!
Earning a Level in testing is the only way to qualify to join Traverse's PRO Team
Level Testing Point System
Level testing measures an athlete's current ability with a variety of challenges in
three broad categories - Mindset, Strength, and Obstacles

Athletes earn points in each category, and their totals will place them into one of six overall levels.
With our persistent scoring system, all ninjas now keep their highest score for every individual Obstacle and Strength exercises!
Each level test now gives the opportunity to increase your child's scores, without any risk of earning a less points if they miss an obstacle or can't quite pass a strength test that day. Once they improve their score in any subsequent level test, their previous score gets updated to their new personal best.
Mindset scores are the only ones that are reset each level test and must be earned by level testing. However:
-Bonus Points- have now been unlocked for each Mindset category now too!
Check out our Persistent Scoreboard to see what all the hype is about!

50+ Points

110+ Points

70+ Points

130+ Points

90+ Points
150+ Points

170+ Points
​​Limited spots are available for each test session,
so pre-registration is highly recommended for level testing -
Sign up now to secure your spot: