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National Ninja League Qualifier

Our NNL Qualifier will be held February 5th!

National Ninja League Qualifier

Here's a brief description on what the NNL is/entails:

The NNL is a more serious competition which has qualifiers (that's what we're hosting). The top 3 male and female competitors per age group qualify for the the Regional competition. The West Coast Regional will be held on February 18 at Summit Gymnastics Academy gym in Arizona. The top 16 male and female competitors per age group at the Regionals qualify for the World Championships! The Worlds are being held April 1 - 3 in Greensboro, NC. Links to Regionals and Worlds are below.

You do not have to move on to another round if you don't want to or can't make the travel happen. So if you just want to compete at our qualifier for the competition and fun of it, you can do that.

Our Qualifiers:

The times are still being worked out but we will have qualifiers for all age groups. We will have multiple courses going at the same time. Check-in for the Kids - Teens age groups will start at 3:30pm. Check-in for the Young Adults - Elite age groups will start at 7pm.

NNL comps are different in that competitors are only allowed one run on one course. If they fail an obstacle their official run is over but they can continue through the rest of the course until their time is over or they clear the course. The age groups are listed below:

Kids (Age 6-8)
Mature Kids (Age 9-10)
Preteens (Age 11-12)
Teens (Age 13-14)
​Young Adults (Age 15-17)
Adults (Age 18+)
Masters (Age 40+)
Elite (Age 15+, NNL only)

​The competitor's age on February 21, 2022 will decide what age category they fall into.

Cost is $65, cannot register after February 3rd!

You can register for our NNL Qualifier here:

For more information on the NNL, check out their General FAQ page here:

Regional Information here:

World's Information here:

© Traverse Fitness 2023


1 W Barrett Avenue
Richmond, CA


(818) 900-9663

Phone hours are extremely limited. The best way to reach us is by email, or by coming in during business hours.


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